Friday, September 24, 2010

Something to think about

I don’t have an article for this post. I’ll post a proper one later, but for now I just had to share my thoughts here, and let you guys in on a secret: I think I know what’s wrong with Africa.

My grandfather discovered he had cancer 40 days ago, and last week, he passed away. He lived in Brazil, and the only person there with him was my aunt. He stayed in the best hospital there is, and had all the privileges money and good friendships can buy, and yet… my aunt stayed in the hospital with him for 33 days, and every day she would call and let us know what was going on. The hospital was living hell. The hallways were filled with old, sick people, lying on the floor, dying, from the lack care, space, doctors, and what not. One of the patients that did get in had been there for four years, weighted 20 kg (that’s about 50 pounds) and didn’t have proper care, being left there to die. We could hear the screams of people in extreme pain over the phone. Again, that’s one of the best hospitals. Then my mom said something that made me realize what was so wrong with Brazil, and I believe, Africa: it’s all about the value these nations place on human life. In a world where human life should be the most preserved gift from God, we focus on material things, on power, success, and so on, often forgetting that humans are so fragile and in so much need of help. I guess that’s why African countries like Nigeria haven’t found out how to use their money yet. And maybe poverty, hunger, and death are all part of the price we have to pay for valuing the wrong things.

Just something to think about.


  1. Fernanda, this is quite true, unfortunately. I think this country can even be applied to our own. While we can debate for hours on which party we're in and how the money should be spent, the truth is is that we are all looking out for ourselves and not for the common good. I know that I personally get caught up in the idea that I am "deserving", but what makes these people any less deserving than me? But we also need to face the fact that this world is hostile towards God, especially the West, people are so keen on proving that God is dead that they won't even try and find out for themselves if He is alive. Which He indeed is.

    So we await for the day when this comes to be:"He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death shall be no more, neither shall there be mourning, nor crying, nor pain anymore, for the former things have passed away."

  2. Thanks, Jamie. =] your response meant a lot to me.
